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  معاون آموزشی دانشگاه
  عضو هیات علمی گروه زبان انگلیسی
  دکتری - آموزش زبان انگلیسی - دانشگاه تربیت مدرس - مرتبه علمی: استادیار
  این ایمیل آدرس توسط سیستم ضد اسپم محافظت شده است. شما میباید جاوا اسکریپت خود را فعال نمایید
# سوابق آموزشی و تدریس
1 لیسانس - زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی - دانشگاه تهران
2 فوق لیسانس - آموزش زبان انگلیسی - داشگاه الزهرا
3 دکتری - آموزش زبان انگلیسی - دانشگاه تربیت مدرس
# سوابق آموزشی و تدریس
1 دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی كرج: 1393-1386
2 دانشگاه تهران:1391-1390
3 دانشگاه امیرکبیر: 1386
# مقالات، پروژه علمی و کتب
1 مقالات چاپ شده:
1.Mokhtarnia, S., & Ghafar-Samar, R. (2015). An analysis of the relationship between the attitudes of Iranian EFL learners to native English speakers and their reported identityJournal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2015.1106548
2.Mokhtarnia, S., & Alavi, M. (2015). Computer-assisted writing: An investigation of metacognitive awareness of writing strategies of Iranian EFL learners. Journal of Social Sciences Research, 9 (3), 1894-1902.
3.Ghafar-Samar, R., Mokhtarnia, Sh., Akbari, R., & Kiani, Gh. (2015). Language ideologies in ELT: The role of mother tongue in learning and using English in Iran. Foreign Language Research Journal, ( Spring and Summer)
4.Mokhtarnia, Sh., & Ghafar-Samar, R. (2015). American Vs. Iranian university websites: A critical discourse analysis of About pages. Journal of Social Sciences Research, 8 (3),1628-1640.
5.Mokhtarnia, Sh. (2011). The Interface Between Language and Culture: Exploring a Case of Resistance. The Journal of English as an International Language, 6 (2), 91-117.
6.Mokhtarnia, Sh. (2011). Language education in Iran: A dialogue between cultures or a clash of identities. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 1998-2002.
7.Marandi, S., & Mokhtarnia, Sh. (2010). Reading Strategies in Electronic environment: An Emerging Concern. The Iranian EFL Journal, 6(1), 123-142.
8.Marandi, S., & Mokhtarnia, Sh. (2008). Strategic Reading Process in Two On-line and Printed Environments. The Journal Of Asia TEFL, 5(3), 171-198.
2 ارائه در کنفرانس:
1.December, 17, 2015: Language ideologies in ELT: The association between language learners’ mother tongue and learning and using English in Iran atELT Conference ,SELT.
2.October, 6-7, 2015: Presented A comparison of Language Ideologies of English Department Heads and Language Institute Managers at the 2nd conferenceInterdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
3.February, 27, 2013: Presented A Comparison of Requesting Strategies by Novice and Expert L2 Dyads at the First National Conference of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at Islamic Azad University of Karaj.
4.February, 27, 2013: Presented The impact of teacher corrective feedback on EFL learners’ computer-mediated writing at the First National Conference of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at Islamic Azad University of Karaj.
5.January 23-25, 2013: Presented American Vs. Iranian university websites: A critical discourse analysis of about pages at the 2nd national conference on Language, Discourse and Pragmatics, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran.
6.January 23-25, 2013: Presented Collaborative pragmatic task performance: Modeling the scaffolding strategies of novice and expert dyads at the 2nd national conference on Language, Discourse and Pragmatics, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran.
7.October 16-19, 2012: Presented English language teaching in Iran: Counteracting the cultural hegemony of the west or investing on one's cultural repertoire at the 10th international TELLSI conference, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran.
8.July 18-20, 2012: Presented Differences in identity change and attitudes: A case of Iranian English and non-English major undergraduates at the 1st interdisciplinaryon art, language and technology, Mashhad.
9.July 18-20, 2012: Presented Schwab vs. Kumaravadivelu: Recapping the art of practical at the 1st interdisciplinaryon art, language and technology, Mashhad.
10.March 10-11, 2012: Presented My attitude, my identity: Identity in an L2 setting at the 2012 International Conference on Language, Medias, and Culture, Chennai, India.
11.February 03-07, 2011: Presented Language Education in Iran: A Dialogue Between Cultures or a Clash of Identities at the 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey.
12.December 20, 2007: Presented E-Learning: On the Horizon in ELT Profession at the Second Postgraduate Conference on issues in TEFL and English Literature, University of Tehran, December, 20,2007.
13.July 19, 2007: Presented Web Literacy: An Emerging Issue in ELT Profession at the Fourth Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran, University of Tehran, July 18-19, 2007.
14.February 9, 2007: Presented An Investigation of Metacognitive Awareness of Hypertext Reading Strategies of Iranian EFL learners at the Fourth TELLSI Conference on Issues in Teaching English Language and Literature in Iran, University of Shiraz, February 8&9, 2007.
15.February 20, 2007: Lectured on Web Literacy and Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies for English Language teachers of 29th districtthe Ministry of Education of Iran, Tehran.
# کتاب
Book Chapter
The Impact of Teacher Corrective Feedback on EFL Learners’ Computer-Mediated Writing. In Dara Tafazoli & Sebastian C. Chirimbu (Eds.(, Language and Technology: Computer Assisted Language Learning (2013, p. 166-171), Tehran: Khate-Sefid Press.
# شرکت در کنفرانس
1 TESOL 2016, International Convention & English Language Exp, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (5-8 April) The 7th Biennial Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Tehran (Sep. 10-11, 2014)
The First International TESOL Persia Conference Research and Specialization in Applied Linguistics
The 8th International TELLSI Conference: CALL for Change in our Language Teaching (Oct.13-15, 2010)
2 Conference Procedings:
Tajeddin Z., & Mokhtarnia, Sh. (2012). A comparison of Requesting Strategies by Novice and Expert L2 Dyads. In A. Koopal, Sh. Modarres Khiabani, & J. Yaqubi Derabi (Eds.) Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on language and Linguistics (pp. 145-162), Islamic Azad University of Karaj.
Ghafar Samar, R., & Mokhtarnia, Sh. (2012). My attitude, my identity: Identity change in an L2 setting. In Fang Tao (Ed.) International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research: Language, media and culture (pp.73-77), volume, 33, Singapore: International Association of Computer science & Information Technology Press.